Serving Children and Families

Latest Past Events

Mandated Reporter Training

Del Norte Child Care Council 212 K Street, Crescent City

Under the Child Abuse and Neglect Act (CANRA) any suspicion of the following must be reported; Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse and Neglect. When the victim is under the age of 18 and the perpetrator is any age. You will learn to recognize signs of Child Abuse/Neglect then make a Report of the crime […]

Seeds to Seedlings- Incorporating Science Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) CAPPA Webinar

Del Norte Child Care Council 212 K Street, Crescent City

Learn how to design developmentally appropriate STEM activities for your family child care or center based program. Children are naturally curious. They desire to question, explore, and investigate new things. They want to know how things work. They watch and learn through exploration and hands on activities, in both indoor and outdoor space, preschool educators […]