Serving Children and Families

The Incredible Years Parenting Classes

Free Parent Enrichment Training.  A research based, proven effective program based on these 4 components;   play, praise and reward, effective limit setting and handling misbehavior.  Morning and evening classes available.  Registration is required.  Free meals and child care provided to registered participants.

Sand Castles by the Sea

Howe Drive behind Fred Endert Pool, look for balloons, Crescent City, CA

CPR & First Aid

Del Norte Child Care Council 212 K Street, Crescent City , CA

Out is In! How Outdoor Play Environments Bring Learning Outdoors- Webinar

Del Norte Child Care Council 212 K Street, Crescent City , CA

Attendees will leave with new and creative ideas and resources to utilize their outdoor play space to promote imagination, discovery, physical activity, and address the overall development of their students. All participants will be given the opportunity to learn about and apply for a playground enhancement contest designed to bring learning outdoors.