Serving Children and Families

Little Rainbows Virtual Playgroup

Today we have special guests from CalFresh Healthy Living. Here is a video of Miss Sunny preparing a fruit salad with January's Harevst of the Month: KIWI!  


Little Rainbows Virtual Playgroup

Number of the Day: 2 Craft Supplies: - Blue construction paper -Yellow, green, red and blue construction paper -Glue -Scissors - Pen and a Sharpie (crayons are optional)  


Little Rainbows Virtual Playgroup

Number of the Day: 3 Craft Supplies: -Straw or yellow shredded paper -Popsicle or toothpick sticks -White construction paper -Red construction paper -Glue and scissors -Pen  


Little Rainbows Virtual Playgroup

Little Rainbows Virtual Playgroup Zoom Link

Number of the Day: 4 Craft Supplies: Red paper (or another color of your choice) White cardstock Googly eyes Black marker Scissors Glue  


Little Rainbows Virtual Playgroup

Little Rainbows Virtual Playgroup Zoom Link

Number of the Day: 5 Craft Supplies: -Paint (Water colors & Poster paint) -Paper -Scissors -Markers/Pens -Glue  
