Craft Supplies: -1 sheet each of blue, white and black construction paper -Scrap piece of orange construction paper -Cotton balls -2 googly eyes or black marker -Scissors -Glue
Craft Supplies: -Egg carton -Blue paint or markers -Blue scarp construction paper -Blue pipe cleaner -Black marker -Glue -Scissors -Googly eyes (optional)
Craft Supplies: -Popsicle sticks -Yarn/string/ribbon -Glue -Scissors
Craft Supplies: -Popsicle sticks -Tissue paper (1-3 different colors) -Glue -Scissors -Glitter (optional)
Craft Supplies: -Light and dark blue construction paper -White tissue paper -Glue -Scissors
Today we have special guests from CalFresh Healthy Living. Here is a video of Miss Sunny preparing a fruit salad with January's Harevst of the Month: KIWI!